
A meAnInGFUlL LeSson...

one special feeling enters my heart tonight..
and i had decided to write this article in english language..

the show had just ended for this week,
and it will continue again at the next friday 8pm..
quite tired,
but i decided to post something before i go to sleep..
i held the position of stage manager in this show,
i dun really understand what a stage manager should do..
but i have tried my best to do anything that i can decide by my ownself...

Hui also take part in this show,
she is an actress..
she has been playing the role of MADAM MONEY,
who was the bad guy in the show..

we both had the bad time during the whole progress..
we hardly communicate with each other..
i have to admitted that i was quite not happy because of her busy schedule..
we can hardly met once a week since she started her practice..
when we talked about this problem together,
we faced some problem in communication and in the end,
we ended up with no conclusion.

throught the whole progress that i have undergo,
i have learnt to think in her side..
i have tried to get myself in a good condition so that she does not have to worry me..
i have tried to talk to her and gave her support..

a successful relationship cant be mantain by one side,
because this is the result of the hard work from both sides.
like what she usually told me,
we should have to be grateful because we can still each other everyday...
some couples cant even see each others for fews day due to their work..

whatever thing happens,
we have to know a truth that we love each other very much..
by holding the spirit we can solve many problem together..
like what hui wrote to me,
"i have faith in you."
i also have faith in her.

this show had tought me a meaningful lesson..
the last word that i wan to tell her is,
"hui, i love you."
we still have five show to go!
