
Th3 CaLL

the CALL
which you gave me to tell me that you are all right
had made me recalled what have i done throughout the half year that i have been gone through.
i turned upset when you asked me the question.
and i got to recalled what have i done and what mistakes that were been made by me.

when i was thinking of that time,
i really found myself was very childish and could easily be affected by my mood.
when i compared it to me who in this moment,
i found myself have grown mature either in thinking skill or emotion control.

that hard time really made something different.
some opinions or impressions had been built since my bad performances by others.
whatever others thought of me,
i don't care.
what i know is i had been working hard to correct the mistakes that i have done.
i know that i am working hard.
i don't even care whether they know my hard work.
although the result is hardly seen,
i know myself really had decided to change.
little by little,
i have faith in myself that i can make it.

thank you for reminding me again.
i clearly know the aim that i am going to reach.
thank you.
