
A conclusion~

That has been a long time since the last time I updated this blog..
At least two monthS I think.

In theSe two MonthS,
I had done mAny ThingS,
JoiNeD maNy CampS
and Go fEw TripS wiTh DifFereNt FrienDS.
I haD JoiNeD SeeD CamP WhicH waS FIrST tiME HelD In PulaO pangKor.
That caMp ReaLly Did teaCh Me a Lot
and I gOt ManY tHingS wAnt To ShaRe WitH YoU guYS.
BuT NeXt TiME La,
I wIlL UpLoaD SomE PictUreS Too,
ThAt MayBE wIlL Be mOrE InTeRestinG.
ThEn I AlsO PlaY My RolE In Qin QIn Zi rAn As the SecretarY.
I HaD BeEn ThRouGht So maNy In THe CampS.
AnD I WilL SHaRe thEm ToO NexT TimE.

I alSO GroupeD tEams FOr BagPack tRips tO MeLAka And KeDaH.
ThaNKS fOR thE fRiEnDS wHom Had accOmPanieD me AlonG tHE Trip
AnD AlSO Left ThOSe SweEt meMoriEs foR mE.
I WIlL alSO WroTe A blOg foR thE TriP Next TimE wiTh tHe PhotOS
AttAch AlOng.
BagPAcK TrIP Is MoRe Fun ThaN TrIP wItH Car.
AnD I HaD mAkE a WisH To VisIt tHe WhoLe MalAySia In mY EntIrE LiFe.
I SurE wILl FulFill iT.

WhEn I, JiA HuI, Li GanG anD YinG hOnG WerE In LangKawI,
thE TwO boYS HaS aSkeD A qUeStiOn That I neVeR ThouGht BeFoRe.
"WHeRe ArE You gOiNg tO Go WheN YoU ArE In HonEy MOoN WiTh HeR NexT TiMe?"
"PuLaO PiNanG."
ThE FirSt anSweR CamE Out FrOm mY MouTh MaKE TheM LauGhEd.

I aLSo HaD ASkEd HeR AbouT tHiS QueStIon.
"BaLi ISlanD."
AnD ThIS iS thE PrOmISe I aM gOinG tO FulfiLl In thE FutUrE FoR hEr.
DeAr, I LoVe YoU.

I NevEr pLaN tO HaVe A BiG hOuSe,
A BiG Car,
ManY moNey
BuT JuSt a SimPlE LifE.
a DouBlE StoReY,
A MyV Or A SagA (If It iS StIlL PrOduCeD).
thAt Is EnouGh FoR mE.
tHaT iS EnOuGh FoR HeR tOO, ShE SaiD.
AnD Of cauSe MAny TrIpS.
DonT EvEn CaRe WhErE wE StaY,
MotEl oR wHaT.

LikE WHaT SiFu SaiD,

LiFe CaN bE sImpLe,
BuT MuSt bE mEaNinGfUL.

ThAt Is wHaT I aM gOinG tO ReAcH.
ZhEn YanG~
